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Book Group

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 2 Tammuz 5783

6:45 PM - 9:00 PM
CBT's Jewish Book Group

June 21 at 6pm
Hidden Star
by Ellie Gersten
Author attending
Hosted by Elisabetta Widerhorn.
Please message her for her address and to let her know you’re coming at 
(480)450-4642 or 
Feel free to join via ZOOM at
The book is finally available for purchase at (press search on their bookstore and put in either the title or her name). It is available in soft cover and ebook.

About the Book

On her Abuela's (grandmother's) death bed, Estrella Schmitt, discovers that she is a descendant of Conversos (hidden Jews) from Spain. She finds mementos and writings and audiotapes from her ancestor, Estrella Gomez, dating back to 1597, about the harrowing overseas journey and all of the difficulties she endured to find a place of peace, far from the hands of the Spanish Inquisition. That is until she discovers that the Inquisition followed her to New Spain. Her descendent, Estrella, becomes interested in the story of her family and decides to retrace her family's steps to find out more which she does.

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