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Soul Study w/ Rabbi Allouche

Soul Study w/ Rabbi Allouche


Weekly Sessions

Every Sunday @ 7:15 AM via zoom

Join us here:


Enrich Your Soul & Mind with a touch of Kabbalah

Practical Spirituality for Everyday Life 

Based on the teachings of the Tanya

Some Topics Discussed in the Soul Class


The Ten Sefirot ~ Garments of the Soul ~ Free Choice ~ Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People ~ Love & Fear of G‑d ~ Self-Sacrifice ~ Spiritual Schizophrenia ~ Kavanah ~ The Divine Soul & The Animal Soul ~ Reward & Punishment ~ Ego & Humility ~ Love ~ Thought versus Deed ~ Depression & Negativity ~ Joy ~ The Spiritual Psyche ~ Unity of G‑d ~ Generational Decline ~ The Tzaddik ~ Men & Women ~ Tzimtzum ~ The Spiritual Worlds ~ Intimacy ~ Jews and non-Jews ~ Kosher ~ Temptation ~ Laziness ~ Getting Along with Others ~ Reaching Goals ~ Overcoming Distractions


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784