Free Kosher Mezuzah for CBT Community Front Doors
Project Inspire Arizona has partnered with to give any Jewish home a free, fair trade Mezuzah valued at over $80 if they don’t have a Kosher mezuzah on the front door!
"My Zuzah believes in connecting and protecting all Jews by putting a Mezuzah on the front door of every Jewish home across the globe. A touch point that unites all Jews, the Mezuzah’s mystical power has connected and protected the Jewish people since biblical times." You can check it out by going to:
If you are interested, this program applies to front doors only. If you already have a mezuzah on the front door… move it to another door so you can get this kosher mezuzah.
Put in the code: InspireAZBT
The mezuzah/scroll comes with double face tape; you can also use your own nails), we will send a volunteer to help say the blessings provided (Hebrew and transliteration) and take and submit a picture of the happy event.
To take advantage of this amazing opportunity, go to:
and put in the partner code:
to request your FREE Mezuzah
Robin Davina Meyerson, Co-Director Direct Dial 602-469-1606
Fill out the details below to have a mezuzah checked, to order a new mezuzah, or to request help putting up a mezuzah.