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Cholent Cookoff

Friday, February 21, 2025 23 Shevat 5785

10:00 AM - 1:00 PMCBT


All preparation takes place in the CBT Social Hall at 10am. 

Contestants purchase their own ingredients. Ingredients must be new and sealed for kashrut verification. Fresh vegetables and dry beans do not need to be sealed.

Common seasonings will be available for contestants' use, i.e. garlic powder, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, paprika, onion powder, minced onion, etc. Inquire for availability of seasonings not listed here.

Utensils will be available for contestants' use. It is the contestant's responsibility to wash all utensils after using.


Crockpots and disposable pans will be provided.


Cholents will be served anonymously at the Kiddush on February 22. 

You may decorate the table as you wish, and include signage with the name of your cholent (naming your cholent is optional, but highly recommended).


Judging will be made by voting at the Kiddush.

Each person attending Kiddush will be able to vote. Voting will close 30 minutes after the Kiddush opens. All votes will be counted by the judges after Shabbat.

We highly recommend that you provide the details below, as they will be displayed next to your dishes and will help make it more memorable for voters. If you do not know these details yet, you can leave them blank and provide them later.


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Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785